Friday, February 6, 2009

Waiting on my man....

It's Friday! This week flew by which I'm so glad about! It was so hard to get up this morning, probably because I only got about 5 hours of sleep. Johnny went out after class with some friends and asked if i would wait up for him since we hadn't seen each other all day. I said I would only because he said he would be home at 11. Well he didn't get home until about 12:45. I gave up on him about 12:15 but hadn't fallen asleep yet when he came home so we talked in bed before we both fell asleep. Usually when Johnny doesn't come home when he says he is going to I get really upset but I've been trying to stay calm lately and he was checking in every 20 minutes last night to let me know he'd be late. The thing I was most upset about was not getting my 8 hours of sleep! I read this article in Glamour (love that mag!) about a study that was done linking the amount of sleep women get and weight loss. Six women in the story committed to getting at least 7.5 hours of sleep per night and all of them lost weight without changing any other habits e.g. exercise and eating. So last night I was going to start my own experiment and try to get 8 hours of sleep. Well Johnny crushed that plan. Maybe I'll try to start it tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw that same article and they talked about it on the Today Show...wonder if it works? I probably sleep too much...I love to sleep in.