Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Secrets Men Keep

I was reading an article today about secrets that men have. The last secret was "If you give a man an inch, he'll love you for a lifetime" and it struck a chord with me. One of Johnny's complaints about our relationship is that he feels smothered sometimes. I admit that this is probably true. I've been struggling lately with having confidence in our relationship and I feel like any little thing that goes wrong makes me extremely paranoid. I don't know how to stop this behavior but I've been trying really hard to not let things get to me so much and if they do to talk myself down from it.

The quote I liked was "If you let us be dumb guys, if you embrace our stupid poker night, if you encourage us to go surfing -- by ourselves -- our silly little hearts, with their manly warts and all, will embrace you forever for it." I think giving a guy an inch might make him love you for a lifetime but why do I constantly think, "if I give Johnny an inch, he's going to take a mile." Is there a balance? I'm scared that if I give him to much space he will run with it and not want to be with me. Then I think, well if that is true then let him run. I should find out now if he's going to run rather than in 10 years.

Sometimes I think I make this whole relationship thing harder than it needs to be. I'm going to continue to try not to be paranoid and give Johnny more space. After all, absence makes the heart grow stronger.


Unknown said...

The right guy won't want to take anything from you - be it an inch or a mile. It'll happen on its own because you both have other things to do, not because it's time for "guys night out".

Savvy-Motherhood said...

HI! Since I am your newest follower, I will speak from my experience from being married for the last 13 1/2 years. I know that he loves me MORE when I let him have his freedom to do what he enjoys. He loves that I don't nag or tell him what he can and can not do. My Caveman and I still love each other very deeply. We have had our ups and downs... but I know that if I controlled him, it would only drive him away.