Thursday, November 13, 2008

Goodbye Fat Me!

It's day 2 of my new lifestyle! I'm not calling it a diet because I really want to change how I eat for life not just a quick fix to lose weight. I do want to lose weight but my main goal is to be healthier. My motives are a little vain but I've noticed that carrying extra weight has just made me feel very uncomfortable in my own body. It causes me a lot of stress too.

So the first week of this new lifestyle is the strictest part and I can have up to 20 g of carbs per day. That is not a lot. To put it in perspective for you I have listed a few things and the carb count:
1 cup milk - 13 g carbs
1/2 cup cottage cheese- 3 g carbs
1 stick of sugarless gum- 2 g carbs

So as you can see, it is not hard to hit 20 g. I can't have any fruit, pasta, bread, potatoes and other vegetables that have a high carb count. I'm hoping to lose 7 pounds this week from my carb fast. With a goal of 25 pounds in 8 weeks continuing the lifestyle.


jgm said...

this probably doesn't help you, but reading how much you're restricting your diet makes me want a big fat porterhouse.

good luck.

Lilian Hulen said...

It's hard adjusting your meals at the start. Some people who would do this would feel some sort of shock because of the sudden change in eating habits. Anyways, I hope your journey has been a great one, June. I hope you can post some updates here, too.