Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Don't worry!

Ok. I'm a control freak. I will be the first one to admit this. Am I trying to control my relationship with Johnny too much? Probably. Do I need to just let go and let it run its course? Probably. I know I can be a little uptight at times and maybe this is one of those times. Johnny always tells me that I worry too much which I do so maybe I need to just stop worrying and let things happen. Interesting....it sounds good in theory but I know it's going to be really hard for me. Sometimes when I try to let go and let things happen it comes across as if I don't care about what happens. How do I let go but still care?

1 comment:

Miss JC said...

Honey, I really don't think you are trying to control things too much at all. I think you have every right to feel the way you are feeling right now! I think Mr. Johnny needs to be giving a lot more to June right now..Of course, "Johnny and June" did have some rough times of their own. Hang in there. Look at my big sister's blog and she is doing a huge giveaway..you just have to comment to win! :) http://funwiththebaker5.blogspot.com