So I've been reading articles about organizing and de-cluttering all morning ( I do actually work sometimes but not today!). I think I'm ready to really take a stab and organizing our apartment. I'm just going to try to do a little each day so I don't get too overwhelmed. Once I get everything organized I can start to redecorate which is the funnest (word?) part! Currently I have way too much furniture in my small living room. In the organizing process I hope to get rid of a few items. Seating space is always an issue. We have a couch and a love seat right now but I'm thinking of getting a couch and an over-sized chair and a smaller accent chair. Since the living room is small the couch and love seat don't fit too well so I think breaking the love seat into 2 chairs will help with that. Here are some of the things I really like:

Now, if only I had all the money in the world! But unfortunately I will be on a very tight budget during the redecorating process. I love challenges though and I think the items will be more meaningful if I have to hunt for bargains :-)
So does anyone have any suggestions for de-cluttering/organizing and bargain hunting for furniture?
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