I have been so incredibly busy at work lately! That is why I haven't been posting as frequently which bums me out because blogging is like venting for me :-) Being this busy also means that I haven't caught up on reading my favorite blogs so this weekend I'll be sitting in a comfy chair, sipping a latte, having a wonderful time with google reader!
Johnny is sick with a cold. He went to work this morning and came back after 10 minutes. I hope I don't catch it so we'll be very careful about washing our hand and lysoling the doorknobs ;-)
So I'm wondering if bloggers out there have words that you always misspell no matter what. My word is "bus". And it's not that I don't know how to spell it, I do but my finger when I'm typing it always wants to add an extra "s" so it always comes out as "buss". I'm not sure why my finger wants to do this but it always does. I can even be thinking in my head that there is only one "s" and my finger still types 2! I think it's a natural muscle reaction or something. Who knows but I always giggle to myself when I have to type the word "bus" and it comes out as "buss".

Have a great day!!
Buss. Hehehe, I like that:) I hope Johnny feels better!
Buss! Hope you get a break soon... don't work yourself to death!!
I have also been taking ages in between posts. We forgive you :-)
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