Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I love old people!

What I love most about some old people is how quick witted they are! I'm at work and an old guy just stopped by to pick something up. As he is leaving he sees my co-worker who asks him how he is doing. He says " Oh, I'm just trying to survive the heat. I guess it's good practice for the hereafter." HAHA Who comes up with stuff like that?! LOVE IT!

I'm having drinks with my friend P. This is the friend who doesn't like Johnny and so our relationship has been a little strained lately (read more here and here). I have been feeling like I've been making quite the effort to remain friends but she hasn't. She even skipped our best friend's birthday because Johnny was going to be there. Well she initiated having drinks tonight and said she needs my advice on quite a few issues. We'll see how it goes....

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. It's almost a third over!!! EEEK!


1 comment:

♥ H ♥ said...

haha omg that old man is hilarious!!